Last night we put some more tile up, this time around the area where the vanity will go. It’s a bit of a waste, as most of this area will be covered by the vanity, but this way if we ever decide to change to a pedestal sink or a smaller vanity it will all match. It also let us get some practice in on an area where a mistake won’t be noticed. The tiling went pretty easily, although it was fairly slow. Due to the small area, and the pipes and such, a large number of tiles needed to be cut and that really slowed things down. We got into a good rhythm though, with Jess measuring the tiles and me cutting them. The tile saw I’ve got was a cheap little Felker, with a 4″ blade. It works pretty well, although I think its going to need a new blade soon. Tonight we’ll hopefully get a good chunk of the shower done. We can’t do the top two feet or so, as we don’t have the trim tiles yet, but we’ll try and do the rest of it.
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