I actually started this project back in November, but between the holidays and class I’ve been making slow progress, and haven’t gotten around to posting about it till now. The laundry room in our house is in a rather sorry state. The washer and dryer looked ok when we bought the house 2.5 years ago, but the washer conked out a few months ago and was replaced with a nice front loading Bosch that we’ve been happy with. The rest of the room is quite awful though. The cabinets are a kind of ugly green stain, the floor is made of these fake-tile things, the sink faucet leaks and the walls are covered in a very dated green plaid. Even more disturbing is that the wallpaper is sticky to the touch.
So everything is getting ripped out. The cabinets are going to be painted and the little counter top will be replaced with a nice cherry one. The wallpaper will be stripped, the flooring taken up and the sink will be chucked. We’ll also put in a new light fixture, since I broke the glass one a few months ago. As or the laundry machines, I’m going to work around them until its time to do the floor, and then move them out and hopefully get the floor in quickly, before we run out of clean underwear.