When we bought our house the landscaping in the backyard was in pretty poor shape. There were some nice things, such as a loverly lilac bush. But they hadn’t been taken care of and were all overgrown and weedy. Last year we didn’t have much time or money to spend on the backyard so I just trimmed it a bit and Jess planted a few flowers. This year however we have alot more time and a little bit more money. We aren’t going to go nuts and do the whole backyard at once, instead what we’ve done is cleared otu the worst areas, and just trimmed back some of the nicer bushes. This left us with a few nice spots to plant some.

On the left we have six plants, the little ones in the front are creeping flox, and I have no idea what the ones in the back are. Very helpful, I know. I rather liked the creeping flox, and not just because they have a cool name, but appartnly someone else did to, as it appears that someboday ate all of the buds on it. On the other side we planted 5 little rhododendrons. They are an unusual kind that have very little leaves, and the whole plant will only get 2-3ft big.

In the front yard we planted some bulbs, on the right, a whole bunch of tulips, and on the left some little daffodils, and some hyacinths. In between these we have some bigger bushes, and will also be planting alot of vegetables, as well as a pair of blueberry bushes.