Green Bathroom!


Well the color saga is finally over (I hope).  After picking our first color, that was supposed to be blue-gray, and turned out purple, and our second color that just didn’t really match our tile, we’ve finally settled on this nice green color.  We also switched paints for this color.  Typically I’ve just used the Lowes brand called Valspar.   Most of the time I’ll just use the regular stuff, but for small applications I generally get the the Valspar Premium, which in semi-gloss runs about 30 bucks a gallon.  This time however we got some Benjamin Moore Regal semi-gloss instead.  It was quite pricey, at $45 a gallon, however it is noticably better than the Valspar Premium.  The Valspar is quite thick which helps it cover well, however it also seems to make it more prone to drips.  It seems that while you’re painting it will look fine, but after I’ve finished I’ve gone back and found drips where I had none before.  The Benjamin Moore paint covers just as well, but its not nearly as thick, and thus doesn’t seem to have as many drips.  I’m not sure its worth the significantly higher cost, but it does seem to be good stuff.

Broken Glass

Well this is what happens when you attempt to put a screw just a tiny bit to close to tempered glass.  I was in the midst of putting the shower door up, and was screwing this panel in.  I drilled a hole for a screw in the upper left hand corner, but it seems it was just a tiny bit to close to the glass, and when i put the screw in it shattered it.  If it had just been regular glass it would have probably just put a little chip in it, but it was tempered glass, so the entire panel instantly shattered, with no piece being bigger than 1/4″.   Hopefully it won’t be to hard (or expensive) to get a replacement.

Blue bathroom!

After realizing that the Purple wasn’t gonna cut it, we quickly ran over to Lowes and grabbed some nice blue paint (that’s actually blue!) and threw a few coats of that up.   Initially I was quite happy with it, sadly Jess was not.  She thinks that while its a lovely color it doesn’t match anything.  After looking at it a few times, I’m beginning to agree with her.  We’ll have to see what I think in a week or two, but we may end up painting it a third time.

Purple Bathroom?

Picking out a paint color is always hard.  You only get the tiny little paint chip to go by, and it always ends up looking different when its on the wall.  We picked out what I thought was this nice blue-gray color.   As soon as we put it up I quickly realized that it wasn’t blue, it was purple.  This made me none to happy as I really don’t want my fancy new bathroom to be purple.  Guess its time to head back to Lowes and see if we can pick a better color.